Our Story

Why Flowers & Garden Consulting?

Have you ever thought of yourself as someone who doesn’t have a green thumb? I know I have. In fact, before I met Bryan, the garden was one of the last places you’d find me. Bryan learned to love gardening from his mom and grandfather, but for me, life always seemed too busy to slow down and watch a garden grow. After my kids were born, however, I felt like something was missing and I needed to do something that felt purposeful. When I started my first flower seeds, I quite instantly found a joy I didn’t know existed! Since then, I’ve also learned to love growing vegetables. Time in the garden is now one of the most joyful parts of my day, especially when I share it with my family.

The problem wasn’t that I didn’t have a green thumb, I just hadn’t known where to start. It is this joy that I want to share with you. The garden can become your sanctuary, too.

This is why I am so excited to offer garden consulting, in addition to farm fresh, seasonal, specialty cut flowers. I am here to guide you on your gardening journey and to help you find your joy in the garden, too!

“We may think that we are nurturing our garden, but of course it’s our garden that’s really nurturing us.” — Jenny Uglow

Hi! I’m Diana Boyle, owner and founder of Blooming Joy Flower Farm, a family-owned flower farm offering specialty cut flowers and garden consulting services in Wilton, CA.

With the support of my husband, Bryan, I started a flower farm two years ago, because I wanted to create a life centered on connecting with the earth, raising barefoot children, and making local, sustainably grown flowers easily accessible to our community.

Navigating early motherhood has been hard, but learning to grow flowers has taught me to slow down and to love my time in the garden. It has given me renewed energy and has helped me be more present with my family. This is what I want for you, too.

I’ll help you go from overwhelmed mom to gardening super mama who nourishes her family with the best food you can find.

Thank you for being here, I can’t wait to get to know you!

- Diana