Cultivating Joy, One Seed at a Time: How Flowers Taught Me to Slow Down

Life begins the day you start a garden.
– Chinese proverb

Have you ever thought of yourself as someone who doesn’t have a green thumb? I know I have. In fact, before this year, the garden was one of the last places you’d find me. As a busy mom who strives to do it all (and more) life always seemed too busy to slow down and watch a garden grow.

This year, however, I experienced the incredible joy of growing flowers from seed and bringing blooming joy into our customers’ lives. And now, you can’t keep me out of the garden!

What I have learned is that there is always time to grow a garden, we just have to choose to focus our energy on doing so. Similarly, I’ve learned we have more time than we think we do. We just have to shift our mindset and focus energy on the things that are important to us, like spending time with family, exercising, organizing our homes, and even stealing away for a weekend getaway to the coast!

Flowers have taught me to breathe, relax and feel deep appreciation for this life we get to live and enjoy the extra time I’ve created for yourself simply by shifting my mindset and focusing on one thing at a time.

If you’ve never experienced the magic of growing a plant from seed, I highly encourage you to do so. It is so much fun, a great activity to do with your kids or grandkids, and it will provide you with a newfound appreciation of the miracle of nature. 

Download our FREE Guide — Learn to Love to Grow Flowers: 5 Easy-to-Grow Summer Annuals to start growing your own flower garden!

As Jenny Uglow so wisely said, “We may think that we are nurturing our garden, but of course it’s our garden that’s really nurturing us.”

If you are in a season of life where it feels too busy to grow your own garden, we’re here to share our flowers with you!


My 5 Favorite Sunflower Varieties for the Cutting Garden